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The Original New Testament Found!  Restored and Proven Identical to the Original Autographs!

The Original New Testament Found! Restored and Proven Identical to the Original Autographs!

Terry Lee Miller

16,36 €
IVA incluido
Eternity Publications
Año de edición:
Biografía: religiosa y espiritual
16,36 €
IVA incluido
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This booklet is a first of its kind, introducing the breath taking discovery/restoration by Glenn David Bauscher of the Aramaic Original New Testament Holy Scriptures. Also introducing Glenn David Bauscher as the sole scholar who discovered and restored to perfection this truly amazing Bible. Brother Bauscher needs to be eternally thanked for his monumental work on restoring this manuscript to absolute purity and perfection. Sadly multitudes of scholars, pastors, Bible teachers and theologians are in gross ignorance concerning this Bible, and not only so, but as well large numbers reject any Bible (some rightly so) except the A.V. 1611 King James Version. Brother Bauscher (using a computer code finder) miraculously discovered the Aramaic Peshitta once restored, had consistent provable demonstratively mathematical equasions and coding etc. throughout the complete manuscript. He discovered to add one letter or word to the text, or to take away one letter or word to the text, that the codes will disappear. Much to the chagrin of all atheists, agnostics, infidels and heathen religions, the Aramaic Peshitta is now irrefutably proven to have been verbally and supernaturally given by an omnipotent, omniscient God YHVH as a letter perfect divinely inspired book for mankind. As well this discovery voids all other post N.T. false claims of divinely inspired manuscripts such as the Book of Mormon, The Koran, Christian Science’s Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures, The Watchtower translation etc.

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