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The Living Light Dialogue Volume 17

The Living Light Dialogue Volume 17

Richard P. Goodwin

22,86 €
IVA incluido
Serenity Association
Año de edición:
22,86 €
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This book is the seventeenth volume of spiritual awareness classes that were given through the mediumship of Mr. Richard P. Goodwin, the founder of the Serenity Association. This volume continues the series of private, more advanced teachings that were begun in Volume 14. Because these classes are more advanced teachings, it will be helpful to be familiar with the previously published volumes.The Living Light Philosophy affirms that our true being is inseparably a part of the Divine. The teachings also reveal the spiritual laws that govern all life and how we may apply those laws for our greater health, wealth, and happiness. One of the foundations of this philosophy is the Law of Personal Responsibility, which states in part that we are responsible for all our experiences. By the laws that we establish with our thoughts, acts, and words, we are the creators of all our experiences in life. In other words, our experiences in life are reflecting back to us where we are in consciousness. In this understanding, God is not a creator, but God is a divine, neutral, infinite intelligent energy that sustains all life. Additional themes of these teachings include evolutionary incarnation, soul faculties and sense functions, the power of peace, the law that like attracts like and becomes the Law of Attachment, and many other personally demonstrable laws.These teachings also place great emphasis on understanding how our minds work, and how we may, through self-control, more effectively use our minds to experience greater goodness in life. The philosophy helps us to discern between the thoughts of our mind and the gentle inspiration of our soul. These spiritual teachings are filled with inspirational quotes, affirmations, spiritual sayings, and spiritual exercises.Any student of life will find in this philosophy the teachings necessary for the mind’s awakening to the truth of the soul’s eternal expression. The teachings offer a path to a conscious awareness of our own divinity, but it is up to us to make the conscious effort to apply the teachings. The teaching in and of itself is a continuous flow. The teacher who expressed through the mediumship of Mr. Goodwin made it clear that his lessons were not dogma, a creed, or a narrow way, but rather his understanding offered to us as a form of instruction to aid us on our path of eternal progression. The methods, discourses, and exercises given are useful, practical, and pertinent to your everyday living as well as to your higher aspirations.

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