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The liquidity of time and affections

The liquidity of time and affections

Helitânia Dos Santos Pereira

77,63 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
77,63 €
IVA incluido
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The sociocultural configuration of modern liquid society directly influences the way individuals conceive relationships. The defining traits of liquid times - denial of tradition, appreciation of individual freedom, worship of the logic of consumption - are assimilated also in the experience of human relationships. In 'Os íntimos', Inês Pedrosa presents representations of this liquidity through the voices of the characters Afonso, Pedro, Filipe, Augusto and Guilherme. The individual in the modern liquid world rejects everything that is lasting; thus, love relationships that imply commitment are seen as constraints, obstacles to the exercise of individual freedom. Cultivators of the instantaneous, contemporary subjects repudiate permanence. In the world of connection, it is inevitable that networks are established, but these networks must be fragile, ready to be undone at any moment.

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