The Green Revolution Transforming Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

The Green Revolution Transforming Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

John Miller

23,65 €
IVA incluido
self publisher
Año de edición:
23,65 €
IVA incluido
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John Miller’s seminal work 'The Green Revolution: Transforming Agriculture for a Sustainable Future' examines the seismic shift currently taking place in food production around the world. Miller explores the pressing need for sustainable practices that can ensure food production into the future while reducing the environmental impact of conventional farming methods in this compelling work.Miller, drawing on his vast knowledge, guides us through the historical setting of the Green Revolution, elucidating its merits and failings along the way. He skillfully analyzes the evolution of agricultural practices, showcasing innovative approaches that hold the promise of transforming the sector into a bastion of sustainability. The book tackles important topics like global warming, diminishing natural resources, and feeding a rapidly expanding human population.Miller provides a comprehensive road map for stakeholders across the agricultural spectrum, from farmers to policymakers, thanks to his meticulous research and insightful commentary. His perspective is holistic, considering the larger ecological context in which farming operates. 'The Green Revolution' serves as a rallying call for a collective commitment to responsible and regenerative farming, heralding a future where food production is not only abundant but also in harmony with the planet. Anyone interested in creating a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system should read this book.

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