The Essential Rules of Life

The Essential Rules of Life


25,79 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Psicología: emociones
25,79 €
IVA incluido
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Any individual who has the goal of making significant and long-lasting changes in their life should read 'The Essential Rules of Life' since it is an invaluable guide. The individuals who are looking for excellence in their personal and professional relationships will benefit from this practical guide because it provides a logical and analytical approach. This book provides you with tried-and-true methods that can help you accomplish your objectives, improve both your physical and mental health, and strike a healthy equilibrium between your personal life and professional life. This book will walk you through the process of turning your life into one that is more satisfying by providing you with a number of chapters that are devoted to topics such as time management, improving communication skills, gaining financial mastery, and personal development. The purpose of each piece of guidance, which is provided in a way that is both understandable and accessible, is to build positive and healthy habits while simultaneously cultivating fundamental values such as gratitude, generosity, and friendliness. Additionally, 'The Essential Rules of Life' offers actual methods for conquering the problems that you face on a daily basis and increasing your productivity without compromising your health and happiness. Simply by incorporating these ideas into your day-to-day existence, you will not only be able to acquire a higher level of tranquility, but you will also obtain complete personal fulfillment. This book is much more than a simple guide to self-help; rather, it is an invitation to the reader to reimagine their life and attain comprehensive well-being and success. For anyone who is interested in making significant improvements to their quality of life, reading it is absolutely necessary.

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