The double soul of the United States

The double soul of the United States

Enrique de Diego Villagran

15,11 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
15,11 €
IVA incluido
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The decisive battle in this moral and spiritual war, in which everything is now decisive, is being fought in the November mid-term elections in the United States, a nation in which the struggle between Good and Evil is raging, with the Democratic Party devoted to Satan to the marrow of its bones. 'The Double Soul of America' is a combat book that describes this struggle and analyses its historical roots. The global Resistance has everything at stake, including demanding criminal accountability for the genocide that has been perpetrated and is ongoing. As Mike Sala says in a splendid foreword, 'the dark aims of the globalist agenda driven by so-called philanthropists, and by religious, social and economic powers infiltrated by Satanism, seek nothing more than to alienate human beings in the most nefarious way and with the most terrible consequences that humanity has ever experienced. We are in a total war between the elites and the people all over the world. Everything seems to be rushing before our eyes. The globalist agenda no longer gives us any respite between one planned tragedy and the next. But many of the people resist. That is why the elites of the globalist agenda understand that strongholds like the United States must be attacked more fiercely and on all possible fronts. The elites know that if the US falls, the rest of the resistance will fall too. This, and no other, is the reason for the continued attack and war that has raged across that nation for decades, and Enrique de Diego’s The Double Soul of America will help the reader better understand the magnitude of the current moment we are living through. The United States of America will not fail and we will all win with them. Glory to God, Alleluia.

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