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The Creole child through West Indian literary history

The Creole child through West Indian literary history


102,70 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
102,70 €
IVA incluido
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This work in three volumes is an extract of the thesis defended in December 2009 at the UAG on the different childhood stories of the chosen authors. The jury awarded the mention 'Very Honorable' with this appreciation: 'One can only be sensitive to the work presented by Mr. CHRISTON whose writing clarity, firmness of composition and, in general, the very great seriousness, the taste for the archive, the document, in a spirit close to literary history as it is currently practiced. This first volume corresponds to the first section of the thesis. It is composed of biographies of the main authors of the corpus, followed by an analytical study of their main works in 'I', 'you' or 'he' over two historical periods: the Inter-War period, from 1911 to 1928, and a period of change, from 1945 to 1965. The three volumes will include the same introductory chapters, as well as the bibliography. The delimited corpus of the thesis gathers seven texts of three generations of Guadeloupean and Martiniquean novelists. On the existence of a French-speaking Caribbean autobiography? No precise answer is given.

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