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The CID Project in the Federal District in the light of citizenship rights

The CID Project in the Federal District in the light of citizenship rights

Samir Almeida Santos

107,75 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Administración pública
107,75 €
IVA incluido
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The Project Center for Sport Initiation (CID) is an educational sport policy organized by the Secretariat of Education of the Federal District and serves students from the public network of the DF who wish to improve themselves in a sport modality in their afterschool hours. This work proposes to analyse the limits and possibilities that this policy experiences regarding the guarantee of citizenship rights, based on the assumption that sport presents itself as a satisfier of basic human needs. Thus, it discussed the perspectives of the Project, confronting its historical trajectory, pedagogical proposal and its legal and institutional frameworks between the years 2008 and 2015, from a qualitative research approach, containing interviews with key characters of its materiality: teachers and managers at various levels. During the more than thirty years of CID history, citizenship rights have not established a close relationship with Brazilian sports policies, but this controversial relationship seems to have started to be rethought in this Programme in current times.

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