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The Acacia tortilis (A. raddiana) forest-steppe of Tunisia

The Acacia tortilis (A. raddiana) forest-steppe of Tunisia

Mohamed Sghaier ZAAFOURI

129,56 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
129,56 €
IVA incluido
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This book, 'the dream of my youth', is in two parts, a general summary and a conclusion. A bibliography of some 570 references relating to the Acacia tortilis taxon in Tunisia and worldwide, and to the Gommier forest-steppe and its floristic procession at Bled Talah, completes the book. The first part deals with the taxonomic denomination and systematic classification of the species Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana, the only forest species in the Acacia tortilis forest-steppe in Tunisia. We discussed its biological (phenology, germination, growth and development), symbiotic and biochemical processes, as well as its ecological behavior and use. We also discussed its phenotypic and genetic diversity, its biogeographical origin and its worldwide geographical distribution, with particular emphasis on its distribution in Africa and Tunisia. Finally, we examine the differences between the authors who have studied this species.In the second part, we characterized the ecological conditions of the Bled Talah region, the only current site of the Gommier forest-steppe in Tunisia.

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