Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Mitchell Levy

11,95 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
11,95 €
IVA incluido
Añadir a favoritos

The phrase 'Thank You!' is a way of expressing our gratitude. When a person has done us a favor and we want to express our feelings of gratitude for the deed, it is one of the times when we would use the phrase. From the time that we were children, our parents and family have taught us to say 'Thank You!'. At such a young age, we were already taught the value of gratitude. What do we say when someone gives us a gift on our birthday? We say 'Thank You!'. If we are grateful, more good things come to us. So as we grow up, it is instilled in our minds to utter the phrase every time we get something good from other people. But, saying this should not be just an automatic response. Say it with sincerity and give it with love. If we receive something with love, we are letting love flow naturally. The same goes with giving thanks. Thank you is more than a phrase. It is a responsibility to pass on the love received. Another great time to say the phrase is when someone pays us a compliment. When in doubt, just say thank you. Do not worry about showing too much gratitude to the people around you. There is no downside to that. In this book you will learn 140 languages in saying 'Thank You!' Thank You! is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AHAmessages. Increase your online influence by going to and easily share quotes from this book on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. You can also type in your social status to give someone a special thank you.

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