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Technological Gap and Marketing Behaviour of Sweet Orange Growers

Technological Gap and Marketing Behaviour of Sweet Orange Growers

Goudappa S. B / Sidramayya S

97,44 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
97,44 €
IVA incluido
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The present study was conducted with an investigation on technological gap in sweet orange cultivation. An attempt was made in the study to understand personnel, socio-economic and psychological characteristics, technological gap, marketing behavior and constraints faced by the sweet orange growers. Further, tried to workout economics of sweet orange cultivation in the study area. Sweet orange is a fruit of excellence and having good nutritive value. It is commercially important for production of palatable juice and is a chief source of calcium, minerals, salts, pectin, cellulose, vitamin A and B and excellent source of vitamin C coupled with cellulose, fruit sugar and salt which is the important health promoting ingredient in human diet. The present study entitles that 'A study on technological gap and marketing behavior of sweet orange growers in Raichur district of Karnataka' was under taken to know the actual technological gap which will help for the policy makers or extension workers to design effective extension efforts to bridge the technological gap of sweet orange cultivation.

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