Tarot and Candle Reading Classes

Tarot and Candle Reading Classes

Rubi Astrólogas

38,82 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Magia, encantamientos y alquimia
38,82 €
IVA incluido
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Candles, as instruments of illumination with esoteric and ritual sense, have returned in recent years to reclaim the leading role they once had. Lighting a candle is a ritual, where traditions that speak of spell and spells are combined, from the tenderness of an evening by candlelight, through a simple bath under the relaxing effect of the special light of a few candles. The flames of candles radiate mystical powers and, for centuries, sorcerers, seers and fortune tellers have used them as space-creating instruments appropriate for their spells or to make predictions.The Tarot is an ancient practice, a path by which we begin understanding towards oneself, towards our sacred interior. The Tarot is an oracle, a means, by which, in some way, and through its drawings and colors, we stimulate our psychic sphere, the deepest part that goes beyond the rational.When we move the cards, a secret and powerful mechanism is put into operation, to open doors and means that connect us to the Universe. The Tarot is full of secrets, wonderful and powerful symbolisms that go beyond a great pictorial work. The magic, clairvoyance, or however you want to define it in you, will awaken little by little, as you practice and enter the intimate world of each card.

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