
11,16 €
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Chineseville Inc.
Año de edición:
Afirmación personal, motivación y autoestima
11,16 €
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大学时,夏天的周日午后,喜欢懒洋洋坐在未名湖湖心岛的长椅上,摊开一本书卷,看大师们的美文,好似在智慧的殿堂,叩开一扇扇心扉。那时懵懂无知,时光倏忽,已然千帆而过。世上可看的书太多,皓首穷经,不如通读经典;可请教的人太多,不如师从先贤;营营到白首,不如以生活为瑜伽去体悟修行。大道至简,将先哲的智慧,与自己的人生相印证,烦恼与困惑如烟消云散。本书从日常生活的点滴,以挚友之心,简单之语,融汇老(Laozi)、孔(Confucius)、释(Buddha)、小葵花(Krishna)诸子的智慧,娓娓道来,让你感受一场快慰、燕然、平静之旅。On beautiful summer Sunday afternoons when I was in University, I liked to sit lazily on a bench on the central island of the beautiful Unnamed Lake. I spread out a book and read the brilliant writings of the masters of the world, as if I were in a Hall of Wisdom, knocking open these beautiful hearts and souls.As time passes, seeing boats up and down the Rivers of Life, I’m getting old and not an unawakened youth anymore, and I realized: there are too many books in the world to read, so it is better to read through the most notable books of all time; there are too many people to ask for advice, so it is better to learn from the most excellent teachers of all time; there are so many interests to look after in one’s life, so it is better to live a simplistic lifestyle and make the life journey as yoga for one’s whole life.The highest knowledge is the simplest. Once you reveal secret to the real meaning of life by borrowing wisdom from forefathers and philosophers and by being awakened from your practices, the troubles and confusions in your life vanish into thin air. This book is my journey of comfort, calmness, and peace, with the knowledge helps from Laozi, Confucius, Buddha, and Krishna, and with the perceptions from my own daily life. Now I’d be happy to share my thoughts and experiences with you like a close friend to you, from my heart and in simple words. 3

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