Sugar Detox

Sugar Detox

Sugar Detox

Simon Keller

15,02 €
IVA incluido
British Basics Trading
Año de edición:
Cocina para dietas y estados de salud específicos
15,02 €
IVA incluido
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Imagine how different your life would be if you could crush those carb cravings, reduce inflammation whilst losing weight all at the same time. Just by removing added sugar from your diet.Going on a sugar detox can literally give you all of these things…I know this sounds like an exceptional claim, but in my opinion, eradicating this sweet little devil from your life really is the panacea to virtually all human ailments we face today…Want to lose weight? Reduce inflammation? Cleanse your body? Want to sleep better? Want to have more energy? Better mood control? These are just a handful of benefits that can be achieved when a person embarks on a sugar detox journey.Simon Keller is a nutritionist who specializes in all forms of human physiology and peak performance. However, it wasn’t until leaving University life and entering into the ‘real world’ did he start to understand how these theoretical topics worked in a practical sense.In this insightful and functional book, Keller gives readers a firsthand look into the scientific considerations regarding sugar detoxing, as well as a practical guide on: Understanding how sugar became so prevalent in today’s society The addictive nature of the sweet stuff - how to tell if you’re hooked How the body breaks down & processes it’s most abundant energy source Health consequences of consuming a high added sugar diet The most efficient way to get off the sugar rush roller coaster! Zero sugar recipes and alternative meal plans Eradicating sugary drinks from your diet once and for all Mindsets and habits to cultivate for ultimate sugar-free success! … and much more. A Nutritionist’s Guide to Sugar Detoxing is a mixture of theoretical principles combined with real-life practical advice on how to cleanse your body, simply by removing sugar from the things you eat.

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