Inicio > Lenguas > Lingüistica > Alfabetismo > STYLES AND THEMES IN THE NOVELS OF R. K. NARAYAN


Visweswara Rao Chenamallu

81,80 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
81,80 €
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Some stories surprise the reader, some stories make the reader weep; some stories mesmerize; some stories are informative; some stories educate; some stories attack the social evils, but Narayan’s stories make the reader laugh within himself since Narayan’s either comedy or satire or irony is very mild. Narayan presents his characters as they are. I suppose I have dealt with the style of narration and characterization and touched on all major themes in the select novels of R. K. Narayan. Of course; there is always a scope for finding a new aspect in a worldly reputed writer like him. This book is divided into two parts: part one deals with R. K. Narayan’s Style of Narration and Characterization and part two deals with the major themes such as Tradition, Mythology, Humour, Irony, East-West Encounter, Love, and Marriage. An introduction precedes the parts.

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