Studies on alternative materials in civil construction

Studies on alternative materials in civil construction

Osires de Medeiros Melo Neto

82,78 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
82,78 €
IVA incluido
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Currently, one of the main challenges of civil construction is to minimize the demand for natural resources and implementation and maintenance costs. Thus, the growing awareness of sustainable construction has raised the trend for recycling or reusing solid waste in construction. The effort of the construction industry towards more circular products is still being evaluated in terms of its environmental impacts. Circular Economy initiatives should be examined on a case-by-case basis; and in the construction context, a composite approach that can identify and assess the impacts of increased circularity of construction waste on the environment should be adopted. The life cycle of a structure includes the processes of extraction, production, transportation, construction, operation, and maintenance. Within a circular approach, the cradle to cradle cycle is analyzed, and the analysis of the treatment and final disposal stages of the waste generated gains greater importance.

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