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Standing on the Shoulder of Richard Feynman to Teach Physics Better

Standing on the Shoulder of Richard Feynman to Teach Physics Better

Standing on the Shoulder of Richard Feynman to Teach Physics Better

Shui Yin Lo / 盧遂顯

34,04 €
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Medicina complementaria
34,04 €
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Richard Feynman gave his two years undergraduate physics in Caltech in a completely new way from the traditional undergraduate physics course in early nineteen sixties.Now it is fifty years after Feynman gave his famous Lecture on Physics. It is time to present a completely new way of teaching physics. Feynman said, 'We prefer to take first the complete laws...... opposite to the historical approach'. We follow what he said, and present complete laws of physics: quantum field theory right from the beginning in a way that any first year undergraduate in science and engineering can follow. As Feynman said many times in his lectures physics is not mathematics. The most important crucial physics should be taught with minimum mathematics. Mathematics are used only when it is absolutely necessary.The quantum field theory is presented with minimum mathematics simply as seven frameworks, which we denote as QF1, QF2, QF3, QF4, QF5, QF6, and QF7. Or in short,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,The most fundamental property of matter is probability (QF1), and the second fundamental property is quantum duality (QF2) . There are three and only three ways to influence the motion of matter (QF3). Four macroscopic variables (QF4), and five fundamental variables (QF 5) are used describe matter. There are six Symmetries (QF6) and finally the action principle S (QF7)In part I, we use this quantum framework to formulate classical physics. In part II we use this quantum framework to explain our daily activity, as our daily activity is also governed by quantum physics.在20世紀60年代,偉大的物理教授理查‧費曼在加州理工學院以全新的方式教授大一,大二的物理課程 。現在,離費曼教大一,大二物理已經五十年。是提出一種全新的物理教學方式的時候了。費曼說:'我們寧願先先教完整的物理定律,......與不跟歷史發展相同'。我們遵循他所說,先教最完整的物理定律:量子場論,然後再教經典力學,我們教量子場論是任何大一年級科學與工程本科生都能懂的方式,用最少的數學。正如費曼在他的講座中多次說物理不是數學。應該用最少的數學來教授最重要的關鍵物理學。數學僅在絕對必要時使用。量子場理論用最小數學,簡單地表示為七個量子框架,我們將其表示為QF1,QF2,QF3,QF4,QF5,QF6和QF7。或者簡而言之,1,2,3,4,5,6,7。第一個物質的基本屬性是概率(QF1),第二個基本屬性是量子二元性(QF2)。有三種,也只有三種方法可以影響物質的運動(QF3)。物質可用四個宏觀變數(QF4)和五個基本變數(QF5)來描述。物質有六個對稱(QF6),和一些行動原則S(QF7)在第一部分中,我們使用這個量子框架來制定經典物理學。在第二部分中,我們使用這個量子框架來討論我們的日常活動,因為我們的日常活動也遵守量子物理的定律。

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