Spacing-cum-Nitrogen trial in Red Cabbage

Spacing-cum-Nitrogen trial in Red Cabbage

H M Singh / S K Tiwari

61,82 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
61,82 €
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Red Cabbage (magenta to purplish) was first described in England in 1570, all of the early varieties being round-headed. Now there are red varieties of all the various head shapes. The ’red’ colour is confined to the ’skin’ of each leaf and stem. The cells beneath, possessing normal green or white colour, when cut before cooking, a head of red cabbage presents a pretty contrast of red and white. Savoy-leaved and red cabbages are little grown in the United States. Red varieties, however, are popular in Northern Europe and Savoyed varieties in the warmer parts of Europe. Most cabbage grown in this country is of the smooth leaved green or white kind.

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