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Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Horror - Expanded 2nd Edition

Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Horror - Expanded 2nd Edition

Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Horror - Expanded 2nd Edition

David Ruffle

24,82 €
IVA incluido
MX Publishing
Año de edición:
Clásicos policíacos
24,82 €
IVA incluido
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The year is 1896. Doctor Watson is invited to the Dorsetshire coast by an old friend. To Watson’s surprise he manages to persuade his good friend, Mr Sherlock Holmes to accompany him. This hitherto unknown tale of Watson’s involves romancing, dancing, occasional glasses of cider, but the holiday turns into a nightmare as the two old friends encounter an unimaginable evil which threatens their very souls. Can they triumph? - Fully revised and expanded 2nd edition.

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