Secrets of Crime Fiction Classics

Secrets of Crime Fiction Classics

Stephen Knight

57,38 €
IVA incluido
McFarland and Company, Inc.
Año de edición:
Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas
57,38 €
IVA incluido
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Starting with William Godwin’s Caleb Williams and Charles Brockden Brown’s Edgar Huntly, this book covers in detail the great works of detective fiction--Poe’s Dupin stories, Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Sayers’ Strong Poison, Chandler’s The Big Sleep, and Simenon’s The Yellow Dog. Lesser-known but important early works are also discussed, including Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White, Emile Gaboriau’s M. Lecoq, Anna Katharine Green’s The Leavenworth Case and Fergus Hume’s The Mystery of a Hansom Cab. More recent titles show increasing variety in the mystery genre, with Patricia Highsmith’s criminal-focused The Talented Mr. Ripley and Chester Himes’ African-American detectives in Cotton Comes to Harlem. Diversity develops further in Sara Paretsky’s tough woman detective V.I. Warshawski in Indemnity Only, Umberto Eco’s medievalist and postmodern The Name of the Rose and the forensic feminism of Patricia Cornwell’s Postmortem. Notably, the best modern crime fiction has been primarily international--Manuel Vasquez Montalban’s Catalan Summer Seas, Ian Rankin’s Edinburgh-set The Naming of the Dead, Sweden’s Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo and Vikram Chanda’s Mumbai-based Sacred Games. Instructors considering this book for use in a course may request an examination copy here.

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