Savoir-faire, Libralism and Omnicracy

Savoir-faire, Libralism and Omnicracy

Taame Abraha Berhe

115,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Economía política
115,90 €
IVA incluido
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'Savoir-faire' is defined as 'multitalented Know-how,' which is principled working traditions of new policy: from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the ability or skill to perform the actions needed to solve the problem or from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the savvy principle needed to solve the problem, i.e. savoir-faire is ability/savvy principle of new policy paradigm while Omnicrats deal with the government of all by all for all.

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