Save our Planet Earth

Save our Planet Earth

Peter A.J. Holst MD PhD / Peter A.JHolst MD PhD

16,68 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Animales y sociedad
16,68 €
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For half a century, Mother Earth has given man dominion over his own reproduction and the reproduction of all animals and plants on Earth. We are therefore indebted to repair the damage we cause. Meat and eggs for consumption are now exclusively produced by artificial insemination and with breeding and incubators. More than 300 million farm animals in the EU spend their entire lives in a cage. Coronavirus, African swine fever, annual Influenza viruses are the result of diseases in animals that can also pass to humans. The Covid-19-20-21 pandemic resulting in the global blockade shows how vulnerable society is. People who consume more animal protein have fewer antibodies and a reduced immune system, even if they consume a low amount of animal protein. The elderly, in particular, develop diseases that arise from diet that reduces immune response and antibody formation. The virus is a nail bomb. The vaccine is a little door knocker. It is very important that we arm our selves against zoonotic diseases by keeping our immune response optimal with food that contains little animal protein. 

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