Lauren Holmes

27,90 €
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Lauren Holmes
Año de edición:
Consejos sobre carreras profesionales y cómo alcanzar el éxito
27,90 €
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Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Jim Carrey.  What do they have in common? Deep analyses by executive career maximizer Lauren Holmes show they all achieved their success using Savanting’s biology-driven protocol. Savanting exploits the biology behind how savants outperform their potential – how they achieve incredible feats of genius from deficient brains theoretically incapable of them. We saw this juxtaposed brilliance and deficit with the world’s most beloved savant, Raymond Babbitt, brilliantly portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the 1988 Best Picture, Rain Man. Yet savant superskills hint at capabilities of the human brain most have never experienced. Savanting makes savant genius accessible. This unprecedented protocol empowers brilliant breakthroughs from the nonbrilliant; vision from nonvisionaries; and extraordinary execution from the execution-challenged. But above all, it releases creativity from noncreatives. Savanting renders all current methods for cultivating creativity obsolete. Studies show we’re born 98% creative. Entry into our school systems reduces us to 2% creative by age 7. Savanting reactivates our innate creativity by returning us to the way we were born to operate before cultural interference.Creativity increases in flow state. Savanting’s power derives from a subset of the flow state identified by psychologist Csikszentmihalyi in his 1991 bestseller, “Flow: The Optimal Experience.” Lauren calls this specialized subset “savantflow.” The “savant brain” and the “savantflow brain” yield similar savant superskills.  Studies show that each of us has one domain in which we exhibit significant creativity. Coincidentally, savants also excel in only one domain. Savanting helps you to discover and develop your domain for creativity, breakthroughs, epiphanies, and flashes of genius. Steve Jobs is synonymous with creativity. Bill Gates is not. Would it surprise you to learn that Lauren’s comparative analysis confirms that Gates is at least as creative as Jobs? Bill’s unique brand of creativity went undetected by critics who mistakenly assumed the creativity domains of rivals Jobs and Gates were the same. One’s creativity domain needs to be the foundational strategy for one’s most rewarding career and life. All six superachievers demonstrate this. Jeff Bezos appears eclectic in his pursuits. Lauren shows that he has been creatively forwarding a singular domain since childhood. As a result, even the ever-venturing Jeff Bezos is predictable. Based on his prowess in his creativity domain, you’ll want to invest where Jeff invests.This savant-inspired protocol is also a faster more reliable means to achieve mankind’s most sought-after goals. Savanting is the most expedient route to self-actualization in existence today. Continuous self-transcendence is built in. Extreme self-knowledge; sustained, self-sufficient self-love; wholeness; enlightenment; expanded consciousness; and true biology-driven purpose and potential. As the book’s final chapters reveal, these are byproducts of the savanting modus operandi. Lauren Holmes developed savanting after interviewing over 300 global change executives in a compressed period of time. Their similarities were then filtered through the lens of her bio-anthropology degree and her specialization in career and talent maximization. 

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