Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols

Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols

Iva Kenaz

9,33 €
IVA incluido
Iva Kenaz
Año de edición:
9,33 €
IVA incluido
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A second, enriched edition of the original work 'Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols' first published in 2018.This book is a simple guide to understanding magical symbols by taking in account their original geometric patterns. It also focuses on how to work with these powerful shapes and symbols in our everyday lives. All symbols originate in geometric figures which give form to the observed world as well as the microcosm and macrocosm. Sacred geometry is a teaching that focuses on these geometric figures, proportions, and patterns. It was revered and preserved by many ancient civilisations including those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and Greece. Symbols and geometry work together as keys to understanding nature and the philosophical meaning of existence. Each chapter of this book addresses a different geometric figure and its derived magical symbols. It’s a journey from the source shape of the circle, the well from which the other shapes arise, to the Tree of Life where they all connect.

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