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Role of angiogenic markers in the genesis of preeclampsia

Role of angiogenic markers in the genesis of preeclampsia

Kahina AKSAS

114,34 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
114,34 €
IVA incluido
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Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a worldwide public health problem, a disease of placental origin affecting the maternal endothelium. It is classically defined as de novo hypertension associated with proteinuria > 0.3 g/24 h occurring after 20 weeks of gestation and is characterized by a latent phase between the beginning of pregnancy and the onset of the disease. This opens the way to a possible screening which would allow an early management of parturients in order to reduce the complications related to this pathology.The main goal of this work is to evaluate the interest of the determination of angiogenic biomarkers (sFlt1 and PLGF) in the detection of preeclampsia in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. The prognostic value of PAPP-A, AFP, and free-βHCG in the occurrence of PE was also analyzed.

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