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Repercussion of Pregnancy in the Body and Sexuality

Repercussion of Pregnancy in the Body and Sexuality

Dulce Gualda / Natalucia Araújo

112,96 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
112,96 €
IVA incluido
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This study was developed with seven women living in a popular neighborhood in the eastern part of São Paulo - SP that sought to understand the meaning of the body and the experience of physiological processes during pregnancy and its repercussion on sexuality, as well as to know the perception related to normal childbirth and its implication for sexual activity. The data were presented in narrative form and the results were summarized in six categories and fourteen subcategories that gave rise to the analysis of a larger theme - 'The process of birth as a rite of passage for the construction of the family', since the whole process of body experience in pregnancy, its changes and repercussion on sexual activity, were guided by the value of the constitution of the family and were present from the moment these women began to make projects to enter maternity. It has the peculiar value of having an understanding of the cultural knowledge of women in relation to the meanings of the body and sexuality in the birth process, becoming for health professionals a primordial tool in the adequacy of their practices.

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