Remote Sensing Monitoring of Commercial Crops

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Commercial Crops

Cassiane Jrayj De Melo / Nelson Victoria Bariani

84,51 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
84,51 €
IVA incluido
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Remote sensing is a tool that makes it possible to monitor the growth and development of multiple plant species, thus enhancing decision making for the management of different crops. This book aims to discuss the activities developed in the Integrated Interdisciplinary Laboratory (LABii) of Unipampa, Rio Grande do Sul, during the supervised internships in Agronomy, in monitoring the development and management of different crops in the field and through remote sensing techniques. The book is divided into four chapters 1) Tracking and Monitoring of Soybean Crops Using NDVI in Uruguaiana-RS / Granja São Ramão; 2) Monitoring of Phenological Stages of Soybean Crop Using NDVI in Alegrete-RS; 3) Application of Land Viewer Platform for Assessment of Agricultural Area Affected by Quaraí River Flood; 4) Monitoring of Phenological Stages of Irrigated Corn Crop Using NDVI in Itaqui-RS.

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