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Religious Rebellion in Wilbur Smith’s 'The Triumph Of The Sun'

Religious Rebellion in Wilbur Smith’s 'The Triumph Of The Sun'

Francis Arnaud M’BRA

61,88 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,88 €
IVA incluido
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This book discusses the revolutionary project of the Sudanese Islamism over the Christian Westerners during the era of the British colonial and new imperialists systems in Sudan in the light of Marxist and Psychoanalytic criticisms.During the colonial conquest, the colonisers succeeded in imposing their political, military and cultural domination all over the world. However, it has not been a successful enterprise in the dark land of Sudan. Indeed, throughout the expansion of their religious belief, they were opposed to a fierce rebellion and bloody holy war led by the radical Muslims population. In 'The Triumph of the Sun', Wilbur Smith gives a detailed description of the territory split into two parts : the North governed by the native population and the South notably the city of Khartoum occupied by the Europeans Christian settlers. Smith, in the novel paints a bloody war that exists between these two belligerent forces.

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