Regeneration of abundant species in the Ituri forest

Regeneration of abundant species in the Ituri forest

Fiston Ngongo

48,37 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
48,37 €
IVA incluido
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The studies of the dynamics of the regeneration in the tropical forest environments continue to remain in insignificance in spite of the ultimate evolution of science nowadays, leaving imprecise and unknown the information so much exact on the regeneration of the plant species in forest environment. This work has examined the case of the forests of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve located in the Ituri Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its objective was to gather reliable information on the dynamics of regeneration of abundant tree species in the permanent features of the Okapi Faunal Reserve of the Ituri forest. The results obtained on two plots of 20 ha each during two successive inventory periods (1996-2001 and 2001-2007) show a total of 54,267 individuals of the regeneration of thirty-seven (37) abundant species in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve; divided into 33,752 and 20,515 individuals of different temperaments, respectively in Edoro and Lenda.

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