Recovering with T3

Recovering with T3

Recovering with T3

Paul Robinson

37,77 €
IVA incluido
Action Publishing Technology
Año de edición:
Hacer frente a la enfermedad y a determinados trastornos y dolencias
37,77 €
IVA incluido
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There is growing awareness that some people do not appear to recover their former health using the standard levothyroxine (T4) thyroid medication and may remain with many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism that they first went to their doctor with. The author describes his struggle with hypothyroidism and how eventually he regained his health using a thyroid medication called liothyronine sodium (T3). The use of T3 finally enabled the author to make a complete recovery from hypothyroidism, although there were many lessons that he needed to learn about T3 in order to regain his health. The author decided to write Recovering with T3, as there were no useful books on hypothyroidism that covered the detailed information needed for using T3 safely and effectively. This book covers a vast amount of technical and practical information relating to T3 medication and details how the author used T3 in order to get well. The book has a foreword by Dr. John C. Lowe, who had this to say about the book: 'Paul Robinson has written a book chock-full of information on T3 that is vitally important to many people. I believe that reading ’Recovering with T3 My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone’ will be a splendid experience for thousands of people, whether clinicians, patients, patient advocates, or patients’ loved ones.' Recovering with T3 is a ground-breaking hypothyroidism book and essential reading for any patient and their doctor if they are considering the use of the T3 thyroid hormone. The book was updated in 2018 to incorporate recent thyroid research study findings.Together with ’The Thyroid Patient’s Manual’, and ’The CT3M Handbook’, Paul’s hypothyroidism books have now become a complete series (the ’Recovering from Hypothyroidism series’).

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