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Psychotherapeutic interventions in early dementia and delusional psychosis

Psychotherapeutic interventions in early dementia and delusional psychosis

Ana Almeida / Diana Monteiro / João Magalhães

51,69 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
51,69 €
IVA incluido
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The nurse’s competences advocate a humanisation that respects vulnerabilities. This case deals with delusional psychosis and initial dementia. Since dementia causes a progressive deterioration in cognitive/emotional/social functions, and delusional psychosis causes hallucinations and delusions, various psychotherapeutic interventions have been developed. These aim to improve the quality of life of the sick individual, so that they can develop the skills that will enable them to continue on their life path. The humanisation of care involves the patient/family/caregiver. When the carer is facilitated in living with the problem of dementia, respect for these vulnerabilities preserves the dignity of the individual/patient/family. Carers’ tasks include support in instrumental activities, assistance in autonomous actions, emotional support and coping with the pressures of the caring role. Empowering carers means developing a family intervention, a set of approaches to help deal with the illness/day-to-day problems.

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