Proposal of management strategies for the waste generated

Proposal of management strategies for the waste generated


60,52 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
60,52 €
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The production of waste participates fully in the degradation of the environment, but its proper management provides health, environmental and economic benefits. Therefore, the study consists of proposing strategies for the management of waste generated by the Fer, Jeudi and Relais markets in the city of Les Cayes. To achieve this objective, the method of survey by reasoned choice is used on a population of 200 merchants at a rate of about sixty merchants per market.The study proposes that the Cayes City Council build clean and modern spaces in the Relay and Thursday markets for a better installation of agricultural products. Ensure the daily collection and recovery of agricultural waste generated at the Relais, Jeudi and Fer markets, by making compost, producing electricity to sell to households and reusing industrial waste for economic purposes by training and sensitizing the various stakeholders in waste management in the three (3) markets in the city of Cayes to avoid any risk of contamination.

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