Production technology of onion

Production technology of onion

Raj Kumar Dhakad / S. A. Ali

61,82 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
61,82 €
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The present investigation entitled, 'Integrated nutrient management in onion (Allium cepa L.) with respect to growth, yield and quality under North Gujarat condition' was carried out during rabi season of 2014-2015 at Horticulture Instructional Farm, C. P. College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar.Experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Total eleven treatments were evaluated in the present study viz., T1: 100% NPK as per recommendation (100:50:50) + FYM 20 t/ha, T2: 125 kg/ha N + 50 kg P and K + FYM 20 t/ha, T3: 50% (50 kg) recommended dose of N through FYM and 50% (50 kg) recommended dose of N through chemical fertilizer; T4 : 50 % (50 kg) recommended dose of N through vermicompost and 50% (50 kg) recommended dose of N through chemical fertilizer; T5: 50% (50 kg) recommended dose of N through poultry manure and 50% (50 kg) recommended dose of N through chemical fertilizer; T6: 100% (100 kg) recommended dose of N through FYM; T7 :100% (100 kg) recommended dose of N through vermicompost; T8: 100% (100 kg) recommended dose of N through poultry manure.

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