Praxis Tacticum

Praxis Tacticum

Charles S. Oliviero

20,53 €
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Double Dagger Books
Año de edición:
Estrategia, planificación e investigación defensivas
20,53 €
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Pundits have long predicted the end of conventional warfare but for the foreseeable future, it is here to stay. Counterinsurgency, guerrilla warfare, terrorism, peace enforcement, policing. All these forms, like conventional warfare, are as old as mankind. Modern militaries claim to be professional bodies, responsible for the education, control and discipline of their members. But at least one aspect of this claim is poorly executed: tactics are not taught to junior leaders, which is why this guide is essential reading for all junior leaders, officers and NCOs alike.There is a military adage that there is no teacher like the enemy. True; but the wise commander prepares to meet that enemy and become their teacher instead. This is your essential study guide.Praise for Praxis Tacticum'Praxis Tacticum' will help young leaders learn and master modern combat team tactics...It’s a fascinating series of intellectual and practical exercises which will help those leading fast moving and hard-hitting troops in combat, a unique blend of both the science and art of war.Lieutenant-General (ret’d) The Hon. Andrew Leslie, PC, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD, MA, PhDTactics in land warfare is a core competency for those who lead, serve, and enable land operations - from section 2iC to formation command and beyond. He makes it immensely understandable and available to leaders at every rank.Lieutenant-General (ret’d) Stuart A. Beare, CMM, MSC, MSM, CDChuck brings the discussion on tactics to the ’centre of gravity’ between operational and theoretical perspectives. Praxis Tacticum is for professionals, people interested in tactics and the general reader of history.Major-General (ret’d) David Fraser, CMM, MSC, MSM, CDA timely book that condenses the writings of history’s great war theorists and strategists into a useful and practical handbook for today’s students and practitioners of war. A needed addition to any serious military student’s library.Colonel (ret’d) Larry Saul, USAThis is a tactical WORKbook, not a tactical TEXTbook. It helps develop junior leaders into astute tacticians, equipping them with the necessary skills and tools to lead, develop others, and achieve on the battlefield.Norman M. Wade, SMARTbook Author/Publisher

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