Poetry of Disaster

Poetry of Disaster

Aurélien Marion

82,98 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
82,98 €
IVA incluido
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'Life is an explosion. Life is a thought that cannot be born without violently affecting everything around it. Everything around a thought dies at once. Thought kills everything that moves within a certain radius. Thought is a bomb. - Charles Pennequin / '- there were metatronic poets who inflicted terminal bruises on the lacerated bodies of the poet [...]; he marks himself in me, seed of all that we will have to destroy against and also this very destruction | revolution of the chaos: the terminal poet of the disaster - ' - Tomas Sidoli. / This disaster that poetically shakes up, desire destroying its origin through words, survival occurring in the very life of life, maintains the risk of failure: what from the liberating game of equivocation will come out may not be poetic, may not touch, may not make sense... The poetry of the disaster gives body to the 'failures' of the poetry. Our readings are thus part of these vital experiences that embody our complicit presences. Belief in the impossible sharing of 'nothing', potentiality of an organized chaos: community of the disaster in living, vibrating bodies, overflowing of fluid creation, on the skin.

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