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Poetry 2007 - By 6th Grade Students of Fairfield Middle School

Poetry 2007 - By 6th Grade Students of Fairfield Middle School

Poetry 2007 - By 6th Grade Students of Fairfield Middle School


20,26 €
IVA incluido
1st World Publishing
Año de edición:
Antologías poéticas (varios poetas)
20,26 €
IVA incluido
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The poems you are about to read were written andselected by sixth graders of the Fairfield MiddleSchool in Fairfield, Iowa. These eleven- and twelveyear-olds were exposed to a wide variety of poetrythroughout the year. Students read, chanted, sang,rapped, acted-out, interpreted, memorized, and recitedpoems from famous authors. They also learnedhow to write many different types of poems, includingJapanese tanka, haiku and magazine haiku, acrostic,bio, cinquain, color poems, concrete, couplets,diamanté, holiday poems, limericks, ocean research,and title down poems. The poems in this book arethe culmination of what they learned. Some arefunny, clever, creative, and silly, while others are seriousor sad; yet all convey the thoughts and emotionsof these young, budding writers. I’m proud of theirwork and willingness to share this personal side ofthemselves with others. Happy reading!~~~~~~~~Ann Gookin,6th Grade Language Arts Teacher,Fairfield Middle School

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