Photography in Orthodontia

Photography in Orthodontia

Abhita Malhotra / Puneet Batra / Yash Salkar

60,38 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
60,38 €
IVA incluido
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Photography is an essential tool for orthodontists to document and plan the treatment for each patient. It is also useful for teaching and learning purposes. By analyzing the relationships between the soft and hard tissues and the position of teeth, the doctor can gain valuable insight into the patient’s condition. However, capturing high-quality images can be challenging, even for experienced photographers.Photographs can be taken at every appointment to track the progress of treatment. Orthodontists can observe the amount of tooth movement that has occurred since the placement of wires and make any necessary adjustments. This allows for precise and effective treatment planning, resulting in better outcomes for the patient. This book covers the fundamentals of Photography in Orthodontics and provides a brief guide for accurate clinical photography.

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