Parables from the Heart

Parables from the Heart

Ringu Tulku

17,11 €
IVA incluido
Bodhicharya Publications CIC
Año de edición:
17,11 €
IVA incluido
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This volume collects together the stories Ringu Tulku tells as part of his regular teaching of the Dharma. Extracted from previously published teachings, they are presented here with a brief note of the context in which they originally appeared and notes on the teaching they convey. Of course, part of the joy of stories as teachings is that their precise meaning is given to readers to find for themselves.The stories are grouped according to theme, illustrating how every aspect of the Dharma is covered by these simple, engaging and often humorous tales. Ringu Tulku’s skill in engaging his audience shines through the stories, appealing both to long-standing Dharma practitioners and those still to set out on such a path. Also included in this volume is an interview with Ringu Tulku on the use of stories as teachings.

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