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Pamphlets for Exhibitions Festivals and Heritage Fairs

Pamphlets for Exhibitions Festivals and Heritage Fairs

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

86,89 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
86,89 €
IVA incluido
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Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width.This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing community events. The need for a book on Pamphlets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing pamphlets, flyers, brochures and leaflets from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English pamphlets for various community events like Exhibitions, Festivals and Cultural offerings and Heritage Fairs.

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