Own Your time

Own Your time

Own Your time

Stephanie Wachman

12,16 €
IVA incluido
Life in Balance, LLC
Año de edición:
12,16 €
IVA incluido
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In this book, author Stephanie Wachman, a Fortune 500 executive coach, provides business professionals with proven time-management strategies. Own Your Time provides practical, concise skills for business professionals to become more productive, reduce stress, increase profits and have a more balanced life. The book’s chapters address ways to manage meetings, email, healthy sleep patterns, procrastination, perfectionism and internet distractions. Wachman identifies the most common productivity problems and then provides tested solutions in succinct chapters. Her book enable readers to quickly implement the solutions they need to improve their time-management skills. Wachman’s book is the go-to guide for time management, a book designed to help business professionals worldwide be more productive every day.

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