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Own personal names in Germany

Own personal names in Germany

Tatiana Burkova

117,40 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
117,40 €
IVA incluido
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Among the classes of names, the own name is one of the most vivid manifestations of the social nature of the language, expressing the connection of the individual with the social, single with the generalized. A person’s name reflects the way of perception of the world and its values. This paper gives an analytical review of existing anthroponymic research in Russian and German anthroponymy. The results of the analysis of functional and stylistic use of anthroponyms in the German ethnosocium in official business, scientific-technical, newspaper-publicistic and household and colloquial styles are presented. The interrelation between the speaker’s pragmatic attitudes in the anthroponymic nomination and the immediate environment in which the speaker is located is shown. The regularities of official and unofficial use of personal names are revealed. The work is intended for German language specialists, undergraduates and postgraduates, students of philological faculties, as well as anyone interested in anthroponymy.

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