Origin of Life on Earth

Origin of Life on Earth

Aayush Dasgupta / Aruni Dasgupta

59,59 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
59,59 €
IVA incluido
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In this Book, I have tried to focus on how and when life came in Earth. I have analyzed various requirements of life, and when any organic material can be called life. Life cannot grow or stay anywhere in the universe. It requires a suitable environment to sustain and thrive. This has been detailed in this book. Many scientists have worked and still are working to solve the mystery. They have come up with different hypotheses and ideas in various times. These hypotheses seem to be well ahead of their time, and have helped in further researches. It was very interesting that some experiments have been carried out for a long period, as long as 25 years, or a quarter of century. But all of these have failed to bridge various missing links and mysteries. Two of the greatest mysteries that still remain are how DNA was formed and the Great Oxidation Event of Earth. Many scientists still believe that life or its seeds might have come from outer space. The outer space has lots of molecules of Formaldehyde, which was proven to be able to synthesize RNA. But is it still unclear, if any living organisms have come to earth from outer space. All these details have been put forward in this book.

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