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Onitocenosis of coffee plantations in the locality of El Aguacate, Cuba

Onitocenosis of coffee plantations in the locality of El Aguacate, Cuba

Abel Hernández-Muñoz / Zuhemy Sánchez-Larralde

61,76 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Zoología y ciencias animales
61,76 €
IVA incluido
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The composition, structure and functional diversity of the bird assemblage found in shade coffee plantations of the Grones IV camp, El Aguacate locality, were determined using the standardized method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The community present in the study area is made up of 57 species, 48 genera, 25 families and 12 orders of the class Aves. Of the total: 12 species are endemic, 20 are migratory and 43 breed in Cuba. Of these, 46 are common, seven are very common and four are uncommon. Regarding trophic guilds, granivorous species predominate (17). The ornithocenosis present in shaded coffee forest areas of Grones IV is stable and interesting, as it shows high values for the different ecological indexes.

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