Ocular sarcoidosis

Ocular sarcoidosis

Rym Maamouri

63,00 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Medicina clínica e interna
63,00 €
IVA incluido
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Introduction: Ocular involvement in sarcoidosis accounts for 11.8% of uveitis cases. The aim of our work is to study the clinical characteristics of patients presenting with sarcoidosis uveitis. Patients and Methods Retrospective study in the ophthalmology department. Results We included 9 patients (8 women and 1 man), 4 patients presented with initial ocular manifestations revealing systemic involvement whereas the diagnosis of systemic sarcoidosis preceded ocular involvement in 5 patients. The mean age at first consultation was 49 years (29-58). Ophthalmological involvement was bilateral in all patients, 2 patients (22%) had both anterior and intermediate uveitis and 4 patients (44%) had posterior involvement which was classified as panuveitis with retinal vasculitis in 1 case, panuveitis with multifocal choroiditis in 2 cases and panuveitis with retinal vasculitis and multifocal choroiditis in 1 case. Conclusion: Ocular involvement in sarcoidosis is common, and should be investigated in the presence of bilateral granulomatous uveitis.

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