Norse Futhark Runes

Norse Futhark Runes

Brittany Nightshade

14,36 €
IVA incluido
Nightshade Apothecary Publishing
Año de edición:
Prácticas de adivinación
14,36 €
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Brittany Nightshade, the author of the popular "Book of Shadows" spellbook series, has released this Runic Handbook for those who would like a compact resource detailing the Elder Futhark Runes and their meanings. This beginners handbook is a great reference guide for anyone wanting to familiarize themselves with the meaning behind the Futhark Runes for purposes of Divination, Rune Magick, etching, or if you just want to learn more about these ancient Norse symbols. This beginners guide covers all 24 Futhark Runes and has a section on common Nordic symbols and their meanings including the Vegvisir, Mjolnir, Yggdrasil, The Valknut, The Helm of Awe, and The Triple Horn of Odin. It also includes a chapter on Divination and Rune casting. In the back of the book are large images of each Runic Symbol with a blank backside for each image so you can write your own notes or even create your own Rune Magic Rituals.    

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