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Neurogoniometry and related methods for cell bioanisotropy estimations

Neurogoniometry and related methods for cell bioanisotropy estimations

Oleg Gradow

97,40 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
97,40 €
IVA incluido
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SOME GENERAL CONTENT COMPONENTS: 1) Mechanotronic neurogoniometer for in vivo & in situ measurements on living brain slices and operating with a stereotactic apparatus; 2) Volume projection neurogoniometry for confocal laser scanning microscopy; 3) Shaking-rotating cultivation neurogoniometry: synchronous technique for gradient cultivation of fish neural tissues and cell cultures on the five-axis mechanized stage and direct time-lapse morphometry of differentiation and proliferation of neural cells; 4) The 'NEUROGONIOMETRY' software: applied optical neuroimaging for neurite growth 'radiation pattern' analysis from dynamic angular or spatiotemporal distribution of dendrites and axons in spherical and Euler coordinates; 5) Digital microgravitational neurogoniometry as a novel measurement tool for the complex morphofunctional / morphophysiological studies of the neuron biophysical state in space conditions for experiments on satellites and orbital space stations; 6) Chemiluminescence tomography of neural cells; 7) Multi-axis goniometric 3D-visualization of vector diagrams of dispersed or biological structures using different laser scanning regimes and trajectories (LUCAS). Supplement.

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