Negotiation Truths

Negotiation Truths

Negotiation Truths

Anne-Maree Elizabeth Russell / Luke William Russell

14,97 €
IVA incluido
Cape Cod Residential
Año de edición:
Propiedad y bienes raíces
14,97 €
IVA incluido
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Are reproducible, high-performance real estate sales results really possible, or do 'consistently great' sales results merely belong to an exclusive band of real estate agents with uniquely magnetic personalities and a clever turn-of-phrase?Is any real estate sales methodology really any better than any other in terms of consistent market out-performance? The truth is, that in an era of empty words, technology gimmicks and high cost advertising campaigns, reliable real estate sales advice is extremely hard to find. With the new reality of every buyer, every seller and every real estate agent having the historical real estate sales data, how and why do buyers pay more than what the ‘numbers’ suggest?This ground-breaking, tell-it-like-it-is, book, written by the Australian pioneers of the 'all-inclusive', Staging, Styling and Selling real estate sales model, is a book designed to validate that there is a better, far more consistent way, to out-perform the market.This book is a real and practical expose' of the most reliable way to find and secure a buyer willing to pay more for your home than what the bulk of the market would argue your home is truly worth.The principles, concepts and strategies outlined in Negotiation Truths (and its counterpart Price Truths) quite simply…work!They are not theoretical statements. They are also not the usual real estate agent’s opinion or a quagmire of subjective, self- serving biased positions.There are so many books, often much longer in pages than these two books, that are filled with impractical, low yield waffle, from authors (famous and otherwise) that lack any true substance and leave the reader still wondering if the written material can genuinely improve the reader’s position.However, this book is a little different. This book is not about offering home sellers the holy grail of sales methodologies or offering a methodology guaranteed to sell every home at a record price in a record period of time.This book is about reliability. It is about consistency. It is about minimizing risk. It is about control.The level of reproducibility of results outlined in Negotiation Truths has been uniquely documented, and fully detailed, over a period of more than 5 years, in a ‘flat’ capital city market place.The testing and validation of the results in this book have been curated over almost every type of home (large and small, new and old, apartment and stand alone house, contemporary and traditional) in more than 60 different locations and  suburbs within Greater Brisbane, Australia. The results have also not been biased by the traditional ‘local agent, local area’ agency approach where strong sales results are more often a function of the growth of a suburb than the merits of the agent’s process.As the Australian ambassadors of seller-focussed real estate 'value-innovation', and the only Australian real estate agency to win not 1 but 4 consecutive Housing Industry of Australia (HIA) Property Styling awards (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019), Anne-Maree and Luke Russell offer a serious antidote to the ‘sales-volume at any cost’ approach that currently dominates the global real estate industry.This book is a genuine ‘must-read’ for any homeowner interested in reducing the inherent risks involved in selling their home. 3

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