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Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud

Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud

Tom Lonsdale

21,32 €
IVA incluido
Rivetco Pty. Ltd.
Año de edición:
21,32 €
IVA incluido
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Behind the glossy ads and hype of the pet care industry lies an inconvenient truth: the industrial diets we feed our dogs and cats are causing a global epidemic of sickness and suffering.From tartar-encrusted teeth and stinking breath to weakened immunity and a host of diseases, our pets are being harmed by the highly processed ’junk pet food’ we place in their bowls.Manufacturers and vets selectively disregard scientific facts, pushing money-making products and services that cost us billions and, ultimately, our pets their lives.It’s a fraud of epic proportions.Based on decades of rigorous research and astute observation, Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud by whistleblower vet and natural feeding advocate Dr Tom Lonsdale provides the tools and guidance to help you keep your pets healthy and happy.  It explains why raw meaty bones are both nutritious and nature’s medicine, supported by a wealth of case studies and testimonials from grateful pet owners.And it exposes the shameful failings of pet food manufacturers, veterinary practices and veterinary schools intent on keeping us in the dark.It’s time to blow away the smokescreen for your pet’s and wallet’s sake. Are you ready? 

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