Morpobathymetry, characterization of lagoon and river environments

Morpobathymetry, characterization of lagoon and river environments

Aka Ferdin Kouamé

132,51 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Geología y la litosfera
132,51 €
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Recent advances in oceanography and geodesy and the application of International Hydrographic Organization (IHO, 2008) standards to bathymetric data are arguments for revising the mapping of the aquatic environments of Côte d’Ivoire. The main results of this study concern the dynamism of the river and lagoon channels; the quality control of the data; the mapping of the river and lagoon environments; and the determination of the thickness of the sediments by the sounder. In addition, this study allows to estimate the evolutionary trend of the sedimentary dynamics. The morphometric parameters highlight the meandering and sinuous character of the fluvial sections. On the mature meandering sections, the dynamism is more pronounced on the channel bottom than on the banks. On immature meandering reaches, erosion is on the banks. The IHO standards probe speciations classify the riverine and lagoon environment data into special order and order 1. This classification shows that the bathymetric surveys are consistent with IHO standards.

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