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Money in the mirror of associations

Money in the mirror of associations

Maria Zaitseva

56,66 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
56,66 €
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We live in a unique time in a rapidly changing world. Twenty years ago, our own and previous generations crossed the turn of the century and the millennium, witnessing a changing era. Over the past thirty years global transformations have occurred in modern society, affecting virtually all spheres of human activity: social, economic, political, scientific and spiritual. All these changes have transformed both the public and individual linguistic consciousness of millions of speakers of our 'great and mighty' Russian language, as well as the mentality of representatives of the East Slavic and South Slavic linguistic cultures. The most important value of a person living in the twenty-first century in the capitalist consumer society in the modern market realities has become money.

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